At we pride ourselves on the quality of the products we sell.
If you are not 100% satisfied with the items you have purchased, please email us at and let us know the reason for your dissatisfaction. If you return your order to us within ten days of receiving the order, with goods unused and in their original packaging, we will be happy to exchange the goods for other items of the same value. will not cover you or reimburse or credit you for the cost of freight in relation to returning the item/items. We do not refund money. We are happy to exchange for goods to the same value as the original item/items.
If you wish to return your purchase for a different colour/size/product then you/the customer are required to cover the freight with not only returning the original item, but you must cover the cost of sending the replacement/exchanged for item as well.
Please Note:
- We will not refund your return freight costs.
- We will only accept goods returned with prior notification through correspondence with our sales department at
- We will not accept any goods that have been worn, used, have their labels removed, resized, engraved, altered or damaged.
- We can only accept items returned if they are within their original packaging.
- The original invoice must accompany the returned item.
- We will not accept returns from countries outside New Zealand.
- All returned goods must be sent to Born2Shop 2014 Limited at the following address: Born2Shop 2014 Limited, 458 Karaka Road, RD2 Drury, Karaka 2578, PO Box 1327, Pukekohe 2120, South Auckland, New Zealand.
- There is no return or exchange for sale items.
- Shipping and/or delivery charges will not be refunded, reimbursed or credited with returned items. The customer is to cover the cost of freight with sending out the replacement item/items.
- Born2Shop 2014 Limited will not accept returns for any non-faulty item that has been worn, and/or tags removed, altered, engraved, resized, damaged through wear.
- Born2Shop 2014 Limited does not accept returns due to normal wear and tear on used items, for example, wear and tear with day-to-day wear of a handbag.
- We cannot guarantee that we will be willing to accept the item for return or exchange if you do not contact us via email within ten days of receiving your goods.
- Born2Shop 2014 Limited will not accept for return, replacement or credit any costume jewellery item where crystals have been removed or dislodged ten days past the date of sale confirmation.